“Diplomats in the service of books.” (BuchMarkt)

Media & branch contacts

Why we are successful

In our 30 years we have built-up deep knowledge of the specific areas of interest of a large range of media contacts, with whom we are in constant and personal correspondence, including in the international field. The workflows and decision-making processes within the media are familiar to us.
We approach all types of media specifically, both print and digital as well as press agencies and freelance journalists. Frequent press visits to the respective contacts help us to place topics effectively and improve targetting.

What makes us stand out

We manage around 60,000 national and international active contacts in our proprietary database, using the publishing software Eddy. For each project, it allows us to create individually targetted mailing lists for efficient digital preview and mailing campaigns We also have access to databases of the German press agency or international partners.

Our experience with and internal knowledge of the international and German-speaking cultural sector and market have been growing for decades. This is what characterises our professional work in the field of publishing and culture.

We are recognized by both clients and media contacts alike for our tailor made approach. This means that clients get value for payment / remuneration rather than an “off-the-shelf” service. Importantly it also means that when we reach out to our clients, they know it is worth hearing what we have to say.



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