BUCH CONTACT consists of a dedicated team of public relation managers led by Murielle Rousseau.

Murielle Rousseau
Owner │ Founder │ CEO
Born in 1966 and raised in Paris. Lycée International de Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Study of Lettres modernes spécialisées (literature and media work), German Studies, Linguistics and Romance Studies in Paris (Sorbonne) and Freiburg/Germany. Professional positions in the fields of editing, PR and licences at Hoffmann & Campe Verlag, Rowohlt Verlag, Oetinger Verlag, Argument Verlag and Kellner Verlag. In 1995, setting up of the PR agency BUCH CONTACT in Hamburg; relocation to Freiburg in 1997 and 2005 also in Berlin. Long agency partnership with Ulrike Plessow (by end 2023) and foundation of the branch in Berlin in 2005. Founding member and long-term board member of the supra-regional working group Verlagspressesprecher e.V. (AVP) as well as AVP International and head of the regional group South Baden/Switzerland. Teaching assignments at the University of Freiburg on the topic “Culture & Publishing PR”, as well as for the Master’s degree program Édition at the Université de Strasbourg and from 2024 at the Université de Paris in the Master’s degree program Édition. Since 2007, publication of 13 books in the fields of fiction, lifestyle & food with the following publishers: Gerstenberg Verlag, Verlagshaus Jacoby & Stuart, Christian Verlag, Busse Seewald and Insel/Suhrkamp Verlag. Among them is the best seller “Savoir vivre” (Suhrkamp).
The first lines of her favourite book:
„Nous étions à l´étude, quand le Proviseur entra, suivi d´un nouveau habillé en bourgeois et d´un garçon de classe qui portait un grand pupitre. Ceux qui dormaient se réveillèrent, et chacun se leva comme surpris dans son travail.”
Gustave Flaubert: Madame Bovary
Languages: French, German, English, Italian

Eva-Maria Blasum
Senior Project Manager │ Office Manager
Born in 1984. Study of Modern German Literature, German Linguistics and European Ethnology (M.A.) at the University of Freiburg. Various internships in the book industry. After working in editing, sales and press at AUDIOBUCH Verlag, since 2010 at BUCH CONTACT. Here she is responsible for fiction, audio books, non-fiction, children’s books, coffee table books as well as events and book tours and, together with Mrs. Rousseau, for the South Baden & Switzerland regional group of AVP Arbeitskreis Verlags-PR e.V.
She is a big fan of the German comedian Loriot.
The first lines of her favourite book:
“Have you ever wondered why you are here?”
Kobi Yamada: Maybe
Languages: German, English

Sarah Speicher
Senior Project Manager │Office Manager
Born in Luxembourg in 1991, Sarah discovered her love of languages, words and books at an early age. After completing her Bachelor’s degree in German and English Literature at the University of Trier, she moved to Freiburg for a Master’s degree in European Literatures and Cultures. She has joined BUCH CONTACT in 2017 in several roles: as a trainee, moving into project management and office management. As a senior project manager, she is responsible for the sectors of nature, garden, animals, design, science and history, among others. She also shares her PR knowledge with the next generation through her management role, supervising new recruits.
The first lines of her favourite book:
“She stands up in the garden where she has been working and looks into the distance.”
Michael Ondaatje: The English Patient
Languages: Luxembourgish, German, English, French

Sophie Aderhold
Project & Social Media Manager
Born in 1998. Study of German Studies and Philosophy at the Heidelberg University and worked there as a research assistant. She also completed internships at a publishing house and in the municipal office for public relations. Today she is very pleased that she can now combine these two professional interests at BUCH CONTACT. In her spare time, she enjoys being creative – be it with a paintbrush or a whisk.
The first lines of her favourite book:
„Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral Arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.“
Douglas Adams: The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy
Languages: German, English

Claudia Asholz
Senior Project Manager
Born in 1966. Master’s degree in Applied Cultural Studies, then trained as a marketing assistant for book publishers, she worked for many years with publishing and graphic design agencies. Claudia’s roots are in the north of Germany, but she has lived with her family in the south of the country for many years. At BUCH CONTACT she is responsible for numerous national and international fiction projects, art projects, children’s and young adult books and non-fiction.
The first lines of her favourite book:
“The first time Caesar approached Cora about running north, she said no. This was her Grandmother talking. Coras´s grandmother had never seen the ocean before that bright afternoon in the port of Ouidah and the water dazzled after her time in the fort´s dungeon.”
Colson Whitehead: The Underground Railroad
Languages: German, English

Stefanie Dovi-Akué
Manager for Database, Clipping, Reviews & Distribution
Born in 1979. Stefanie studied graphic design in Freiburg, then she worked in an advertising agency for several years, where she could gain first experiences in publishing. After a longer stay in West Africa she returned to Freiburg. At BUCH CONTACT, she supports the team in the areas of reviews and database. She loves dancing and enjoys spending her free time with her family.
The first lines of her favourite book:
„In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothin in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.”
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit or There and Back Again
Languages: German, English, French

Celina Eckert
Born in Berlin in 1982. Study of English Studies and Latin Language and Literatures with Teacher Training at the Freie Universität Berlin (BA), followed by Cultural, Language and Literary Studies (MA). During her studies, Celina gained experience in the book trade and in the pharmaceutical and mobile phone industries (HR/data processing). After completing her studies, she worked for a scientific publishing house (Berlin/Zurich), managed the culture and tourism office in Laufenburg (Baden) and worked as a project manager in the Waldshut district office ( Celina also worked as a language lecturer (Business English) and bookshop assistant (Tiengen). At BUCH CONTACT, her knowledge of media relations and events is now combined with her passion for the book industry. In the BücherFrauen e.V. network, she worked on the managing board and is currently active in the Freiburg regional group. In her free time, she likes to be in nature and to be creative. She also has musical interests and enjoys travelling.
The first lines of her favourite book:
Morning-room in Algernon’s flat in Half-Moon Street. The room is luxuriously and artistically furnished. The sound of a piano is heard in the adjoining room.
[Lane is arranging afternoon tea on the table, and after the music has ceased, Algernon enters.]
Did you hear what I was playing, Lane?
I didn’t think it polite to listen, sir.
I’m sorry for that, for your sake. I don’t play accurately—any one can play accurately—but I play with wonderful expression. As far as the piano is concerned, sentiment is my forte. I keep science for Life.
Yes, sir.
And, speaking of the science of Life, have you got the cucumber sandwiches cut for Lady Bracknell?
Oscar Wilde: The Importance of Being Earnest: A Trivial Comedy for Serious People
Languages: German, English

Michaela Gromann
Senior Manager for Database, Clipping, Reviews & Distribution
Michaela, born in 1968 and known to everyone as Michi, has been with BUCH CONTACT for many years. She is primarily responsible for the EDDY database with its 60,000 contacts and takes care of address maintenance and the conducting of deliveries. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and her son, for example on long bike tours. She is passionate about France and good food. She is always happy to show off her own baking skills and brings various treats to the office – much to everyone’s delight! She also lives by the motto: “Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.”
The first lines of her favourite book:
„Es dauerte eine Weile, bis ich wusste, wo ich anfangen sollte. Man könnte behaupten, dass meine Geschichte bereits vor über sechshundert Jahren mit einem Straßenraub in der mittelalterlichen Toskana begann – oder erst viel später, mit einem Tanz und einem Kuss im Castello Salimbeni, als meine Eltern sich das erste Mal begegneten.“
Anne Fortier: Julia

Sarah Himmelsbach
Student Trainee
Born in 2001 in the beautiful Markgräflerland. Study of German Language and Literature at the University of Freiburg. A seminar by Murielle Rousseau at the university led her to BUCH CONTACT as an intern, where she now continues to support the team in media work. Be it writing texts, mailings or social media posts. Outside the office she can be found either on the dance floor, with a good book in hand, at the sewing machine or at carnival parades.
The first lines of her favourite book:
„Als der Portier aus der Telefonzelle 7 herauskam, war er ein wenig weiß um die Nase herum; er suchte seine Mütze, die er im Telefonzimmer auf die Heizung gelegt hatte. „Wie war´s denn?“, fragte der Telefonist an seinem Schaltbrett, Hörer vor den Ohren und rote und grüne Stöpsel in den Fingern.“
Vicki Baum: Menschen im Hotel
Languages: German, English, Spanish

Regina Hummel
Senior Finance & accounting Manager Administration
Born in 1967, at BUCH CONTACT since 2004. She is responsible for the “numbers” rather than the “letters”. She lives in her hometown Freiburg, with her husband and two cats.
The beginning of her favourite book:
„Eines Nachmittags kam Bruno von der Schule nach Hause und staunte nicht schlecht, als Maria, das Dienstmädchen der Familie, das den Kopf immer gesenkt hielt und nie vom Teppich aufblickte, in seinem Zimmer stand und seine Sachen aus dem Schrank in vier große Holzkisten packte, auch die ganz hinten versteckten, die nur ihm gehörten und keinen etwas angingen.“
John Boyne: Der Junge im gestreiften Pyjama

Lena Kaiser
Senior Project Manager
Born in 1988, Lena chose the picturesque Freiburg after living in the USA and Bavaria, where she studied English and American Literary Studies. At BUCH CONTACT, she is responsible for a diverse portfolio that includes humanities books, cook books and international book fairs such as the London Book Fair. She is also responsible for art-related projects and museums in Germany and abroad.
In addition to her professional activities, she is a reading mentor at a daycare centre where she shares her love of reading and her passion for literature with the little ones. Sometimes she swaps books for her violin, and aside from music she enjoys black humour and good food.
The first lines of her favourite book:
“We slept in what had once been the gymnasium. The floor was of varnished wood, with stripes and circles painted on it, for the games that were formerly played there; the hoops for the basketball nets were still in place, though the nets were gone.”
Margaret Atwood: The Handmaid’s Tale
Languages: German, English

Bettina Kempf
Project Manager
b.kempf [at]
Born in 1988, Bettina was an avid reader even as a child. After completing her bachelor’s degree in Literature-Art-Media at the University of Konstanz, she went on to study for a master’s degree in Literary Studies at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). Her thesis focussed on the paradigm shift in German-Turkish literature. After gaining a taste of PR work in various cultural organisations (including the Kunst-Ausstellungshaus, Kommunales Kino and Filmverleih), she now supports BUCH CONTACT as a project manager. Besides literature, her passion is painting –here it can’t be colourful enough.
The first lines of her favourite book:
“The morning was a fish in a net, glistening and wriggling at the dead black border of her consciousness, but she’d never caught a fish in a net or on a hook either, so she couldn’t really say if or how or why.”
T.C. Boyle: Drop City
Languages: German, English

Constanze Michel
Senior Project Manager
Study of German Philology and Linguistics, History and Political Science (M.A.) at the University of Siegen. After various internships in the media, she completed a traineeship at BUCH CONTACT in 2008. Further stations: Harbour Front Literature Festival, moses. Verlag (Head of Advertising & Press) and Schirner Verlag (Head of Sales Promotion & PR). Since 2015 she is back at BUCH CONTACT. She likes to spend her free time in the fresh air in the vineyards or with her daughter at the Freiburg outdoor pool Lorettobad.
The first lines of her favourite book:
„The darkened sky spoke sweetly as they slept. The stars, like cinders, glowed. But something caused Sengbe Pieh (who would come to be called Cinque) to wake up abruptly.“
Alexs Pate: Amistad
Languages: German, English, Italian

Ulla Müller
Project Manager│Senior Copywriter & Translator
Born in 1965, from a young age until today interested in language and languages, books, travelling. After working as a foreign language correspondent, she completed her master’s degree in Romance Studies, English Studies as well as Economic, Social and Environmental History (M.A.) at the University of Freiburg. At BUCH CONTACT, she is primarily responsible for the numerous texts created in the agency: press texts, press releases, CV, interviews, exposés, essays and much more. She is married and has two grown-up daughters.
The first lines of her favourite book:
„Je l’avais recontré un jour de Pâques, après une projection de son film sur le loup de l’Abyssinie. Il m’avait parlé de l’insaisissabilité des bêtes et de cette vertu suprême: la patience.“
Sylvain Tesson: La panthère des neiges
Languages: German, English, French, Spanish

Karen Oostenbrink
Born in the Netherlands in 1984. After studying Fine Arts in The Hague, Karen came to Berlin on a scholarship in 2007. There she ran a producer’s gallery with a small group of artists and discovered her second great passion for literature while studying Art and Visual History and German Literature at Humboldt University of Berlin. She moved to Leipzig and founded an art space in a former railway station building not far from the SPINNEREI, where she soon found herself as a project collaborator at the heart of Leipzig’s art scene. Her love of literature would not let her go, and so she returned to her studies when moving to Freiburg. Alongside her Master’s degree in European Literatures and Cultures, she worked at the University of Freiburg as a research assistant on several projects and at the chair of Romance Studies and became a mother. After graduating, she is now trying to reconcile her passion, career and family.
The first lines of her favourite book:
„– Ogenblik!
– Wat is er?
– Opdracht volbracht. De zaak is rond.
– Welke zaak?
– Ja, neemt u mij niet kwalijk. Het allerbelangrijkste. De hoofdzaak.
– De hoofdzaak? Waar heb je het over?
– Over het testimonium.”
Harry Mulisch: De ontdekking van de hemel
Languages: Dutch, German, English

Bianca Sandmann
Project Manager & Social Media Manager
Born in Freiburg in 1997, she returned to her home town after a period of travelling to study Scandinavian and German studies, specialising in literature and linguistics. Her fascination for languages, cultures and communication had already shaped her voluntary work with young people from migrant backgrounds, her promotion-projects for NABU and her study period in Denmark. This ultimately led to an internship and subsequent traineeship at BUCH CONTACT and her position as a project manager. In addition to numerous projects relating to books, personalities and events, she also supervises the agency’s trainees.
The first lines of her favourite book:
”Hun står med ryggen til plantagens lave træer og ser ned over fjeldet på bygden, der er blå i augustnatten og fårene, som liger sten i det løbende græs.”
Siri Ranva Hjelm Jacobsen: Ø
Languages: German, English, Danish, Icelandic

Jennifer Schenk
Born in 1998 and grown up at the Lake Constance, Jennifer decided to move to Freiburg to study German Language & Literature and Portuguese. She stayed here for her Master’s program in European Literatures and Cultures during which she got to know BUCH CONTACT through an internship. She knew directly: I’m coming back! In her free time, when she isn’t supporting us as a trainee, you can find her with a good book, at coffee dates with friends or at the local pubquiz on Mondays.
The first lines of her favourite book:
„I stand at the window of this great house in the south of France as night falls, the night which is leading me to the most terrible morning of my life.“
James Baldwin: Giovanni’s Room
Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese

Patrick Schliffer
Project Manager │ Trainee Supervision
Born in 1989, Patrick grew up near Stuttgart, where he moved to for a bachelor’s degree in German Studies and Political Science, and then to beautiful Freiburg. After and alongside his Master’s degree in Literature, Culture and Media, he experienced the familiar trials and tribulations as a copywriter, proofreader, freelance newspaper contributor and online editor, until BUCH CONTACT combined all of these aspects into a new challenge. In addition to his current PR position, he has a pronounced penchant for both the written and spoken word and is an enthusiastic guitar player on warm evenings.
The first lines of his favourite book:
„Heute, am fünften November, beginne ich mit meinem Bericht. Ich werde alles so genau aufschreiben, wie es mir möglich ist. Aber ich weiß nicht einmal, ob heute wirklich der fünfte November ist.“
Marlen Haushofer: Die Wand
Languages: German, English

Barbara Schülter
Barbara moved from the beautiful Eifel region to Freiburg. Always with a smile on her face, she enriched the agency’s team first as an intern and now as a trainee.
Born in 1997, she initially moved to Cologne to study German Language and Literature and English Studies. She then went on to study Scandinavian Studies and Sinology at the University of Freiburg. She is passionate about literature, languages and cultures all over the world. During her studies, she worked in a bakery – her delicious Swedish cinnamon buns sweeten everyday agency life. She also loves music, computer games and everything from the world of fantasy.
The first lines of her favourite book:
„Söndag 20 mars
Det var en gång en pojke. Han var så där en fjorton år gammal, lång och ranglig och linhårig. Inte stort dugde han till: han hade mest av allt lust att sova och äta, och därnäst tyckte han om att ställa till odygd.“
Selma Lagerlöf: Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige
Languages: German, English, Swedish, Norwegian

Cecilia Schütte
Born in 1994. Study of Law at the University of Freiburg. She then studied Media Studies at the University of Tübingen. There she worked as a tutor and student assistant. An internship during her studies led her to BUCH CONTACT. Now she supports the team in various areas: from research to social media contributions. She enjoys spending her free time with her dog Giulie – either outdoors in nature or on the sofa with a good book.
The first lines of her favourite book:
“I found out about her death from a friend on the phone. He had read it by chance in the newspaper. He slowly read me the note from the morning edition. A very ordinary article. It sounded as if it had been practised by a trainee fresh out of university.”
Haruki Murakami: Wild Sheep Hunt
Languages: German, English

Dr. Dorothee Urbach
Senior Project Manager
Born in 1967. Study of History of Art in Freiburg and Paris. She completed her doctorate on medieval depictions of the Last Judgement. For Dorothee as a trained bookseller, hell would be a world without books. So, it worked out well once again. Since 2002, the passionate mountaineer has been living her dream with BUCH CONTACT: combining texts, pictures and books with people. And she does this for all the art and museum projects that the agency manages, whether facsimiles of medieval art, the Louvre, the Musée Unterlinden or the Vatican Museums.
The first lines of her favourite book:
„C’est l‘hiver, je scie des branches de noisetier. J’ai repéré à l’avance les branches droites, je les coupe à leur base pour obtenir des sections assez longues. Le diamètre doit correspondre à ma main repliée sur le bâton. Un diamètre trop large serait difficile à manier en montagne, un trop petit glisserait entre chaque pas.“
Violaine Bérot: Pastorales
Languages: German, French, English